Celebrating Sucess! BRIGHTON HOUSE is pleased to share a recent success story.

Posted - 2023-11-13

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Patient Name: 93 Year Old Female

Admitting Date: 8/3/23

Discharge Date: 9/7/23

Discharge Destination: Home

Initial Condition:

The patient is a 93 year old female admitted to Brighton House in excruciating pain after a fall. She was unable to transfer, ambulate, or perform activities of daily living (ADLs) independently. The fall had left her in a physically compromised state, requiring extensive assistance.

Treatment and Progress:

During her stay, the patient received medical care and rehabilitation services to address her pain and mobility issues. Over the course of her stay, she received Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy to regain her functional abilities.

Outcome at Discharge:

By the time of her discharge on September 7th, the patient had made significant progress. She was able to ambulate independently, using a rolling walker for support. While she still required some assistance with ADLs, it was minimal.The collaborative effort of medical professionals, therapists, and support from her family played a crucial role in her recovery.

Discharge Plan:

The patient was discharged to her home environment with family support. Home health services were arranged to ensure ongoing support and monitoring in the comfort of her home. She continued with physical therapy and other rehabilitation services as part of her home health plan to further improve her mobility and independence.

This case is an example of a patient's successful rehabilitation journey. Despite being admitted in severe pain and unable to perform basic tasks, she made significant progress during her stay at Brighton House. With a combination of medical care, physical therapy, family support, and home health services, she was able to regain her mobility and independence, ultimately leading to her discharge with improved quality of life. This case emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to patient care and the positive impact it can have on a patient's recovery.



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